Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What it's all about

My name is Kelly Clarke and I live on Long Island and I love it so much here. There are many interesting and beautiful places here especially our beaches and although Long Island is not that old it still has a lot of history. My summer vacation has just begun and i wanted to have a project this summer. So every week I am going to post pictures of things and places on Long Island that i have visited and tell you a little bit about them. I enjoy taking pictures very much so i hope you enjoy this also. I am open to suggestions on places to visit so you may leave your comments here. Thank you and enjoy!


  1. I LOVE these shots... can't wait to follow you on your journey. You are SO talented!

  2. The photos are amazing! Love to go on a road trip with you this summer. Keep up the great work.

  3. Hey Kel, What a great idea and you have a true ability to take fabulous pictures. I Like! Ok, so where we going next? Can't wait to see cause I too, love Long Island and especially it's beautiful beaches. How about photographing Gilgo next. I'd like to see all the classics! ha! especially all the artwork thats gone on there recently. Yep, I like this idea Kel, and Your the girl to do it! NeatO!

  4. Is there a way to alert your followers when new locations hit?

    Keep going this is great xox :)
