Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Davis Park Fire Island

The past weekend i stayed a few nights with my friends at a beach house they rented for the week on Davis Park Fire Island. Unfortunately i forgot my camera over the weekend so these pictures are not mine but i wanted to write about it because it was a nice place to visit. To get here you take the Patchogue ferry over to Davis Park which is about thirty minutes long. There isn't much here besides the beach but on hot summer days that is all you really need. You can go down to the bay to clam or swim or you can go in the ocean or walk the ocean to find beautiful shells and see what the ocean has brought up to the sand that day. You can really find some cool stuff. This is also a nice place to spend a vacation. You can rent a house with friends or family and have some fun. Everyone is very friendly here so you can also meet new people. There is also a marina here so you can also dock your boat. There is a little store, a concession stand, and the Casino Cafe. Davis Park became official with the town establishing the marina and a public park in 1945. It is a very laid back and relaxed atmosphere which is very enjoyable.

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